Pickle and Oiling
Pickle & Oil
Carbon Steel Pickle & Oiling: ASTM A967 - ASTM A380
Carolina Piping Services, Inc. offers Carbon Steel pickle and oiling services. From carbon steel fittings, valves, flanges and pipe, Carolina Piping Services, Inc. can provide services to fit your needs. Our processes allow us to clean and pickle just about any part that can be transported to our facility. A typical carbon steel pickling job will consist of pre-cleaning, pickling and oiling. The pre-cleaning step is usually done with degreasers, blasting or hot solutions. The final step in most pickling jobs is the application of a rust inhibitor. Carbon steel cleaning and pickling can also be used as a pre-treatment step prior to painting.


1.1 Blasting shall take as long as necessary without damage or integrity of material to remove all surface contamination including mill scale, oil, grease, rust, dirt and embedded metal fines visible to the naked eye.
2.0 NF Grade Medical Nitrogen Blast
2.1 Applied via 150-250 psi to remove all debris including metal fines, dirt and "ALL" grit and dust visible to the naked eye away and separate from the blasting area. Nitrogen gas to be no less than 99.99% Purity - Carbon Monoxide 10 ppm or less
2.2 Once fully blown, the equipment, piping, parts or components are loaded onto cart for a white light and black light inspection. For larger spool pieces such as piping, white lighting of ID is completed, and TECH wipes or Pipe Pig TECH wipes are blown thru piping. A complete sweep of the ID of the Piping is TECH wiped with pipe pig or other suitable means. The piping is then capped until white light and black light of TECH wipe is completed. Internal Bore Scope of Black Light may also be used if deemed necessary.
Equipment, parts, components or TECH wipes / Pipe Pigs are taken into the designated Black Light room for inspection. UV light intensity of the Black Light testing equipment i.e. Black Ray Long Wave Ultraviolet lamp model B-150A 115-volt, 60 Hz 2.5 amp with a UV Meter - Intensity to be no less than 1000Uw/cm2
2.3 If any of the three test i.e. Visual / White Light / Black Light reveals any contamination per Oxygen Cleaning Standards CGA G4.1; i.e. Hydrocarbons, Oils, Greases, Rust, Scale, Welding Slag or other foreign matter not compatible then the" item or items" shall repeat the process. If no signs of i.e. Hydrocarbons, Oils, Greases, Rust, Scale, Welding Slag or other foreign matter are found then continue to Oiling process.
2.4 Drying Blown by NF Grade Nitrogen Gas, Nitrogen gas to be no less than 99.99% Purity - Carbon Monoxide 10 ppm or less
2.5 Inspection Checking inside pipe immediately. Bore scope and record if needed
2.6 **Rust-Prevention Inserting rust inhibitor as specified**
2.7 Protection / Cover and Seal all openings with the suitable protection.
After cleaning, a visual inspection shall be performed to confirm no foreign objects are inside
** The supplier shall spray the suitable volatile corrosion inhibitor on inner surface of piping only
Kind of Moisture Inhibitor: Water Displacing Inhibitor that leaves a dry nonvisible, non-sticky, non-tacky protective film
3.0 Identification and Cleaning Certification Paperwork
3.1 Equipment, Parts or components are then individually barcode labeled with the identification of the item, date cleaned and marked
3.2 Matching barcode labels and identifications are then placed on each of the customers Cleaning Certifications.
3.3 All Cleaning Certifications are generated and saved through a data base back- up system on the computer.
3.4 All Cleaning Certifications are backed up daily onto a separate 5 image back -up system
3.5 All Cleaning Certifications are backed up daily to an offsite back-up system
3.6 All Cleaning Certifications hard copies are kept on site for no less than 5 years
3.7 Two technicians then sign off on the cleaning of the Equipment, Parts or components Certification paperwork.
3.8 One copy of the paperwork will then be placed with or attached to the Equipment, Parts or Components in a sealed envelope and bag for shipping.
3.9 Technician will then distribute the Cleaning Certification paperwork in the following manner:
1. One copy will go with the cleaned equipment, parts or components.
2. One copy will go to the barcode data base on the Clean Room computer.
3. One copy will go to administrative and attached to invoicing to customer
4. One copy will be kept in the files on site at Carolina Piping Services, Inc.